So ...
... you've thought about adopting a dog and discussed it with your family. (To make sure all family members are "on the same page" with regard to the dog you would like to adopt, please see 12 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Adopting.)
... you realize that you will have to make some changes, but know that having a dog is worth the sacrifice.
... you've researched different breeds, talked with other Miniature Schnauzer owners, and decided that this is the right breed for you. (If you haven't done much research on the breed - or if you would like to learn more - please see The Miniature Schnauzer AMSC DVD. This is one of - if not THE best - online tools to learn about the breed. Please also see Is the Miniature Schnauzer the Right Dog for You? for additional information.)
... you refuse to buy a dog from a pet store or through local newspapers or "shopper" ads because you know that reputable and responsible breeders do not place their dogs that way.
... you found NJSRN (or another reputable breed-specific rescue group).
... you understand that there is no "perfect" dog and that any dog you take into your home will likely need some training and socialization.
... you're prepared to work with the dog you adopt to help it become the perfect dog for your family (reputable rescue groups like NJSRN offer post-adoption assistance and follow-up).
Available Dogs and Required Adoption Donations
Why Should you Adopt from NJSRN?NJSRN has many Miniature Schnauzers available for adoption. Don't wait! Fill out our adoption application online now. Once submitted, this form will be sent to NJSRN automatically.
This application is the first step in our adoption process and we need the application before we talk to you about any of the dogs in our rescue program. As you complete the application, we encourage you to be honest and thorough in your responses - there are no "right" or "wrong" answers to the questions we ask, and an accurate and complete application helps us with the matching process.
When we receive your application, we will share it with our members and add your name to our waiting list. Although we're a small volunteer organization, NJSRN works hard to identify the best homes for the dogs in our care. Please keep in mind that we typically have more applications than available dogs, so the matching process may take some time. Don't be discouraged if the process takes a little longer than you would like - the wait is definitely worth it!
Please keep in mind that we rarely get puppies or very young dogs in our rescue program. If you understand the commitment required when adopting a puppy - house-training, crate-training, obedience training, socialization, teaching appropriate chewing, etc. - and you are interested in adopting only a puppy, please e-mail Nadine at for referrals to a reputable breeder.
Just how DO we match a dog to its permanent home?
Our dogs come from a variety of sources. Whether we take in a dog from its original owner or we rescue it from a shelter, we attempt to find out as much as possible about that dog. We want to know its likes and its dislikes. What is its routine? Has it lived with kids, cats, or other dogs? Does it show signs of separation or other anxiety? What is its medical history? Does it have any existing medical conditions? Does it "play well with others?" Is it overly-protective of its toys, its food, or its people? NJSRN's Schnauzer Sitters (aka foster families) play a critical role in our rescue program. Not only do they provide a safe haven for a dog during its transition, they also work to train and socialize the dogs in their care to make them more adoptable. Our Schnauzer Sitters also help us to create a profile for their foster dog. Using that profile, we review our waiting list to find a family that matches the dog's needs. Our number one priority is finding the right permanent, loving home for each dog in our care - not a dog for each home on our list.
Once NJSRN has identified a dog that would be a good match for your home, one of our members will contact you. Most often, the call will come from the dog's champion - an NJSRN member who is serving as the chief advocate for that dog. She will tell you about the dog and ask questions that help to determine whether the match is as good as it appears to be on paper. If you are not interested in the dog we call about, or if you are not able to adopt when you get the call, just tell us. We understand that things may have changed since you submitted your application. We would not want you to agree to adopt a dog that you could not care for, or a dog that would not become a member of your family.
After we have matched your home to a dog, checked your references, talked with you about the potential adoption, and have your agreement on adopting, the dog's champion will propose the adoption to the members for consideration. After approval, we will schedule the adoption date, time, and location. You will be asked to sign an adoption agreement and to make an adoption donation.
Answers to some of the more frequently asked questions concerning adoption can be found here. If you have any other questions, please e-mail us at or call our rescue hotline at 732-920-8242.
Above: Dylan is happy now that NJSRN found him a permanent home with lots of toys to play with!
Below: Bradley (right) and Rosie share a warm, comfortable bed.